I think Winter is here!

It was cold today, about 40 degrees. Good thing we have awesome gear that keeps kids warm no matter how the kids choose to play on cold days!

The rain from earlier this week created the big puddle in the parking lot and it filled in the little puddle all the way to the top! Throwing rocks is always fun and such a great workout for little shoulder and back muscles!

After throwing rocks, we went right down to the river. There was so much sea foam to play in and jump over! I told the boys that their muscles will probably be bigger tomorrow after all the jumping and throwing they have done today! They also played in the Marsh Muck today. They'd get their boots really dirty then wash them off in the river.

Along with the Marsh Muck, they had fun playing in the sand. There were lots of really beautiful "sand trees" etched into the sand from the little rivulets of water running down the beach. Brett and Aksel made their own sand art. They used a large black rock to top it off.

Today's lunch was bagels with strawberry cream cheese and strawberries which the boys had fun turning into finger puppets! Then the boys jumped, crawled, ran, and laughed all the way back to the truck.

It is always a great day when you live by a beautiful river!