We're following the leader, the leader, the leader . . .

Brett was the leader today and he led us down some animal trails. In some spots, we had to duck low to make it through, but the fun was worth the effort! We found 4 piles of poop that appeared to be from the same type of animal and it had berries in it. Whoa!! The boys thought that was cool! But the poop was very different. The first pile was moldy with mold that looked a lot like hair! The second pile was very dry and the next two piles looked wet! An animal must have just left these piles behind!! Are we going to find an animal on this trail? 

We stopped in a warm, peaceful place for lunch today. There were lots of trees and it was fun to see the sun stream through the branches while their leaves would float to the ground. On occasion, the wind would pick up a lot of leaves would fall all at once. We collected some leaves for a nature art project we are working on to give to our families for Christmas. No pictures until after Christmas!

After lunch we found a cold little Carolina Anole on a leaf. We gently picked him up. He had no problem with us holding him. We think he may have liked our warm hands. Then the boys climbed some trees and balanced on the rocking log.

Brett, you're a great leader! Thanks for a fun day!