Buck Moths, and Black Bugs, and Deer Tracks Oh My!

Well, we were wrong about winter being here. It was 68 degrees today.

The kids decided they wanted to hike to Sugarloaf. So, most of our day was spent with the boys "hiding" in the forest and me saying "Oh my, where did they go?". Then they would jump out, scare me, and then run ahead on the trail where the antics would start again! 

It was so much fun!

They also had fun leading the way to Sugarloaf. They knew that Sugarloaf starts with an "S"so they would stop at each sign, look for the word that started with an "S", then go in the direction of the arrow closest to the letter "S". We ate our peanut butter and honey sandwiches and oranges by one of the signs.

Of course we also stopped whenever someone found something AMAZING to look at!

The first thing we found were Buck Moths. Some were curled up and resting on the branches of Live Oak and Turkey Oak trees. There were just a few of them flying around when we started on the trail, but by the end of the day there were hundreds of them!

Why are there so many moths flying during the day? 

We also found two moths that had recently emerged from their cocoons. Their wings were little and their bodies were fat, but they sure could move! It was fun to watch them drag their bodies up the boys arms.

Another fun discovery along the way was a big black bug, which we do not know the name of. This bug loved to crawl all over the boys then all of a sudden it would fly off! The boys had to watch closely and use their tracking skills to know where it landed. They enjoyed observing the bug for quite some time. Then we were off to Sugarloaf!

Farther down the trail we found deer prints. The boys did their very best to follow that deer, but when they lost its trail, they decided to draw in the sand and make sand angels. Brett didn't want to get dirty today, so he chose to make sand angels on his belly rather than on his back.

At some point we made it to Sugarloaf where the boys ran up and down the hill over and over, then they settled in at the edge of the water where they used team work to get some big "stick boats" into the water. 

When it was time to go back to the truck, I made piles of pine straw which the boys would run and jump over like little Olympic hurdlers! 

They both fell asleep on the way home!