It was chilly this morning, about 52 degrees, but we didn't let the weather keep us from splashing in the giant puddles left by the last 2 nights of rain! The boys decided early on to hike to Sugarloaf today. It took us exactly 4 hours to hike 2 miles due to the many wonderful stops along the way.
First, we checked out our potato traps which had, collectively, 6 pill bugs and 2 little bunches of eggs! What is going to hatch out of those eggs!?! We can hardly wait to find out!
Next, we stopped at the bridge to play in the mud. Brett found some dried up cat tails and had a great time watching the seeds float on the breeze. All the while, Aksel focused on his climbing and balancing skills as he navigated the bridge from many different angles.
The boys found a spooky hand in the forest which they used to transform themselves into Frankenstein! They delighted in sneaking up on each other and chasing each other through the trees. They would stop periodically to investigate berries & flowers, watch a flock of noisy crows, and jump in more puddles. When we made it to Sugarloaf, they took turns swinging on the rope swing and laughed as they rolled down the sand hill. And of course, they played in the foam on the water!
The spooky hand made getting back to pick up just as much fun as getting to Sugarloaf had been. We took lots of water breaks, and everyone had a great time!